From the Send RFP page you can quickly select properties to send a Request For Proposal (RFP) to, refine your search by brand or chain, or sort by distance from your venue. Once you have selected properties you wish to send RFPs to click the "Send" button, after an RFP has been emailed to a property it will show in the "Delivered RFP" list.

Send RFP

Quickly and easily send RFPs to properties that are located close to your event's venue, properties are listed and sorted by distance from your primary venue, check the box in the left column to select a property to send an RFP to. 

To view property information click on the property name. The property Id is a unique ARN identifier for each property. 

We provide the property phone contact information, so you can call and identify the person you wish to send the RFP to, click on the name, email, or phone number input fields to add/edit this information. 

Advanced settings allow you to include certain fields to an individual RFP, and add a custom message.  

Search Settings

Filter the Send RFP list by a particular Brand or Chain using the drop-down, enter a property name or property ID to find an individual property. Increase or decrease the radius of your property search, we default to 10 miles, once updated the properties in the Send RFP table will be updated. View/Change the close to bids date, use the calendar picker to update the current closed to bids date.

Advanced Settings

Advanced settings allow you to customize newly selected properties that have not yet been sent an RFP. Currently you are able to "Deduct Rebate Before Commission" or change the "Rate Type" per RFP or for a selected group of RFPs.

***We have advanced settings in the grid as well, shouldn't these be named differently***

Delivered RFP's

This is a list of delivered RFP's and their status. Bid statuses include:

  • Sent to Hotel - RFP has been emailed to property
  • Accepted - Bid was reviewed and accepted by event admin
  • Sold Out - Property or event admin declined the bid
  • Resent - Event admin resent the RFP to the property
  • Forwarded - RFP was sent to property and forwarded to Chain contact ****I don't think chain contact is the correct term here.****

Under the property column event admins can view and edit property contact information, add a custom message, or deduct rebate before commission which will be reflected on the RFP if it is resent. View/Add notes allows the event admin to add private notes about the property and RFP progress. Depending on your entity's settings you maybe able to view the RFP before it is accepted by the property. The "Actions" column allows an event admin to resend or cancel an RFP, accepted RFPs cannot be resent, they would have to be declined first in order to resend. The keyword search input allows event admins to filter the Delivered RFP table to find an individual property.